Tips to Create the Perfect Mood Board

Creating the perfect mood board is an artful skill and while some people have a knack for creating mini-pieces of art, some don’t. And, if you are like a lot (read: most) people right now and are looking for something productive to do, working on your mood boarding skills is something fun to add to your list! So today, our resident mood-board expert is sharing her top tips to help you create the perfect mood board. Read on for Christy’s advice to help you organize your clients’ inspiration and pull something exciting from it!

Get Their Vision

  • Find out about what makes them tick, what type of design aesthetic they are drawn to, where the shop, how they like to spend their free time, and what they don’t like

  • Have them send their Pinterest or photos they may have saved

  • Find out what colors and tones make them happy and that truly embodies who they are

  • If they have a hard time verbalizing their style, try to feed them some examples, and share some imagery before creating the mood board to ensure it’s on the right track

Don’t Take More Than 1-2 Images From Their Pinterest Boards

  • Tie in 1-2 images from their mood board; while you mostly want to use what they send as inspiration, using a few that they saved helps make them feel like their pinning wasn’t for nothing and gives them comfort because you’ve recognized something they loved

  • By sticking to just 1-2 images it allows for the rest of the mood board to be a new and exciting gift! They are paying you to design something unique to them after all!

Curate the Inspiration

  • Try to stick to stick to 9 or less images

  • Be sure to incorporate textures and color variations

  • Place colors between busy images to give a nice bit of breathing room

  • Utilize only 1-2 “busy images;” you want these to be the statement piece, so if you have a lot of them then it will just appear overwhelming

  • Try zooming in on images that have unique colors and tones; this helps you create a really unique and one-of-a-kind color transition

  • Keep color theory in mind  

Ready to dive into the deep end of the design pool but need a little something to get yourself started? Our membership includes mood board templates! Whether you are an expert in Illustrator or want something easy like Keynote, we have two versions of templates in each file type for you.


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