3 Things to Consider When Curating a Custom Set of Styling Blocks

There’s just something about customizing something that makes it extra special—am I right? Because even when you’re looking at something and think, “That’s just what I need,” you might also be thinking, “But is it exactly what I need?” That little voice might make you think twice about hitting add to cart—or it sends you searching for a way to customize your purchase.

Our acrylic styling blocks are the same. And while lots of people love our curated sets for simplicity (we did also build them with specific scenarios in mind!), there are plenty of instances where you might want to build your own. So today, we wanted to chat through 3 things you should consider when deciding to customize your own set of styling blocks from our shop! Read on for the questions to ask yourself, and then curate the exact set you need for your flat lay kit!

What are you styling in your flat lays?

It may seem silly but it’s an important question—what do you typically find yourself styling in your flat lays? Are you mostly styling wedding invitations? Jewelry? Loose blooms and boutonnieres? The reason it’s important to think about this is because the answer(s) will help you choose your styling blocks.

If you answered “wedding invitations”: You’ll want to start by adding our Stationery Set to your cart since each piece was specifically designed for the main pieces in an invitation suite. From there, you can add an assortment of square blocks to your set since we have options that fare perfect for sliding under stamps.

If you answered “jewelry”: Build a custom set with our 5-piece Add-on as your base. Then take a look at our round styling blocks.

If you answered with “loose blooms and bouts”: A mix of thin and thick blocks are what you want to scope! Our 1/8 inch blocks are great for adding just a touch of interest and depth to floral flat lays and the ½ inch blocks can be a lifesaver when you’re trying to balance a misbehaving bloom.

Are you into product photography?

Product photography isn’t everyone’s cup of tea (or very common in the wedding industry), but lots of photographers have told us they love our using our blocks for this. So, whether you are a photographer looking to add a new service to your offerings or another pro wanting to give a custom gift, these are the ones to look at:

Do you want to use them as photography props?

Which brings us to the last thing to consider as you customize your own set of acrylic styling blocks—do you want to use them as props? From using them to showcase a delicate detail to wanting to add subtle depth and dimension, our styling blocks are made from clear acrylic—making them perfect for any flat lay you are styling, in any color palette, and on any surface. Here are just a few pieces of advice when it comes to doing so:

  • Consider getting doubles of the blocks you want to use as photography props so you can keep one scratch free

  • Purchase a separate muslin bag for to keep the blocks from getting scratched when not in use

Want to curate a custom set of styling blocks for yourself or a friend? Visit The Shop to build it—blocks start at just $1 each!


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